[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: zona (data provider: donatus-sup), zone (data provider: donatus)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Zóna, s. f.
1. a zone or girdle; 2. (geog. t.) a zone. — frigida, the frigid or frozen zone. — temperata, the temperate zone. — torrida,the torrid zone.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
zona: agirdle or a belt, but properly taken for a certaine breadth in the Heauen or Earth from North to South, bounded out by some of the principall Circls, of the which there are fiue in all, the middlcomost being betweene the two Tropikes is called Zóna tórrida, or the firy Zone, two that lie betweene the two Polare tircles and his next Tropike, and they are called Zóne temperáte, or the temperate Zones, as being neither extreamely hot nor extreamely cold, and are most inhabited, the other two lye betweene the Polare circles and the two Poles of the world, and they are called Zóne frígide, as being extreame cold and little inhabited.