Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vía, adv.
1. much, more, much more. Egli è — più ricco che saggio, he is much richer than wise. La dottrina deve — più stimarsi che non le ricchezze, learning ought to be esteemed beyond riches; 2. come, come on. — andiamo,come, let us go. Or —, non temete, come on, don't be afraid; 3. fye, fye upon, out upon it;4. away. Andar —, to go away. — —,immediately, in a moment, presently; so so, pretty well. Che vi pare di questa donna? ell' è — —, how do you like that woman? she is so so, she may pass. Lo vedo — per le strade,I see him often in the streets. Far — di vela,to go away quickly. Andar per la mala —, to sink or fall to the bottom, to decay, to come to nought. Gettar —, to throw away; to waste; to sell for less money than a thing is worth. Tor —, to take away. Venir —, to approach, draw near. Portar —, to carry or steal away. Mandar —, to send away, dismiss, turn out. Cacciar —, to drive away. Fuggir —, to run away. Eh va —! prithee! Eh va —, non mi romper la testa! prithee, don't teaze me! Ben alla —, well dressed. Di dietro —, by the back way. Di fuora —, by the outside. Alla —, ready. Il cavallo è alla —, the horse is ready.
Víe, adv. much, much more (chiefly employed in comparisons). La sua compagnia fece parere il viaggio — più grato, his company rendered our journey much more agreeable.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
via: you, your selfe, the Accusatiue case, Vì véggo, I see you.