Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vérde, s. m.
1. green colour; 2. verdure; 3. (met.) strength, vigour. Egli è nel — della sua età, he is in the flower or prime of his age. E il mio desir però non cangia il —, and my desire is as strong as ever. Mentre che la speranza ha fior di —, while there is room to hope. Esser condotto al —, esser al —, to be at an end, to be put to one's last shifts. La candela è al —, the candle is almost out. — antico,ophite, green porphyry.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
verde: the colour called greene, or vert in armorie. Also new, yong, fresh, youthfull, in prime. Also the greene grasse. Also a greene, or greene plot of ground. Petrarke hath vsed the word Vérde for a finall end, when he saith, giónto al vérde, alluding to a Candle, which they were wont to colour greene with the iuice of hearbs at the big end, and to this day vse it in Ireland, as we would say in English, burning in the socket, decaying, drawing to an end, almost consumed, or beginning to faint.