Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Valére, v. n. (vaglio or valgo, vali, vale, vagliamo, valete, vagliono or valgono, pass. val-si, -se, -sero, fut. varrò, &c., imp. vali, vaglia or valga, 2 pres. vaglia or valga, &c., cond. varrei, &c.)
1. to cost, be worth, be of a certain price; 2. to be worth, have value, merit, valour, &c. Niuno era del paese, che quello valesse,there was no one in the country of so much worth; 3. to be worth as much, to be equal in price, to equal; 4. to merit, be worthy of; 5. to be worth the trouble (speaking of things); 6. to suffice, be sufficient, have the power; 7. to be useful, profitable. L'alto Signor, dinanzi a cui non vale nasconder ne fuggir, &c., the Lord on high, from before whom it is no use to conceal one's self or to flee; 8. to make use of a thing, derive profit or advantage from it. — di meglio, to improve one's situation or condition; to be better, to be more expedient; 9. to signify, have the force, signification of. — un mondo, to be of great value, to be worth one's weight in gold. Non — un lupino, not to be worth a farthing, not to be worth the picking up, &c. Vale a dire, that is to say. Farsi —, to maintain one's rights, make one's self respected; to take advantage of, to derive benefit from; v. r. — d'una cosa, to make use of a thing. — del suo, to assist one's self, put one's shoulder tothe wheel. — ne, to have recourse to, to appeal to.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
valere: to be worth, to be of value. Also to be much or greatly esteemed. Also to auaile or preuaile. Also to be able, to may or can, to serue or be good for. Also to be in health, to be puissant. Also to haue power or authority.