Forms: uolto (data provider: donatus), volta (data provider: donatus)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Vólta, s. f.
1. a whirling, turning round, a winding about, revolution. Prima —, (astron. t.)the primum mobile. — di tempo, alteration or vicissitude of time. Dar —, to turn one's back, to fly, to run away. Dar la — tonda, to turn round. Girare, andare in —, to rove about. Essere in —, to fly, run away. Girare in —, to go about or round. Torre la — alle cicale, to gossip a great deal. Dar la —, to set, to go down (speaking of the sun). Dar la —, to wane or decrease (speaking of the moon). Rubar la —, to turn too short. Far le volte del lione, to go to and fro. Dare or pigliare una —, to take a walk. Dar la — ad un vaso,to overturn a vessel. Dar la — al canto, to go beside one's self. Dar la —, to turn, to grow sour (speaking of wine). Dopo —, afterwards. Star in su le volte, (naut. t.) to labour, to roll (as a ship does in a storm); 2. direction, road. Alla — d'Italia, in the direction of Italy; 3. turn, succession. Pigliar la —,to take one's turn. Toglier la —, to supplant one. Star sulle volte, to watch events or circumstances;4. (naut. t.) a hitch, turn, an elbow in the hawse.
Vólt-o, s. m. dim. Vólt-icéllo, face, visage. Gittare al —, or in —, to twit in the teeth, to throw a thing in one's dish. Mostrare il —, to show one's teeth to one, to show one's self resolute and bold. Avere o non aver —, to have or not to have the face to appear. Egli non ha — da mostrarsi, he has not the face to show himself. Dare nel —, to box one's ears. Fare mal —, to look at with an evil eye. Prendere un — franco, to assume an air of sincerity. Turarsi il —, to cover one's face. Con — brusco, with a threatening look.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
volta: a turne, a course about, a turning round or comming about againe. Also a circuite or compasse of ground. Also a reuolt. Also the turne that cunning riders teach their horses. Also a chance or hazard at dice. Also a vault, an arch, an arched roofe, a beut or bow. Also a kind of turning french dance oalled a Vólta. Also once, one time, one course or one turne. Also a certain monster deuouring all graines and spoyling all sruirs that it can com vnto. Also around walke, a going round or any encompassing of ground. Also a turning about of a mans body. Also a flight or turning vnto route and running away of souldiers. Also a charge, a turne or place to ones lot to doe or speake.
volto: as Volgiúto. Looke Vólgere. Also vaulted, enarched or embowed. Also a vault in a Cellar or arch of a bridge.