Verna, vernæ, co ge. Plau. A bond man or woman borne in our owne house of our owne bond man or bond woman.Turba vernarum. Tibul. Procaces vernæ. Horat. Garrulus verna. Tibul. Disetnctus verna. Pers. A negligent and rechlesse slaue. Puer verna. Hor. A bonde childe horne in out owne bouse.Tuberes vernæ. Vide TVBER.
Vernus, Adiect. Of the spring time. vt Verni flores. Plini. flowers in the spring time.Aequinoctium vernum. Plin. Aura verna.Ouid. Flos vernus. Tibul. Rosa verna. Propert. Sol vernus, Ouid.Species verna diei. Lucre. The beautie of the spring time.Tempus vernum. Hor. The spring.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
verna, ae, comm. [root vas, to dwell; Sanscr. vāstu, house; Gr. a)/stu, city], a slave born in his master's house, a homeborn slave.I.Lit.: vernas alere, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 104; id. Am. 1, 1, 24; Just. 38, 6, 7; Val. Max. 3, 4, 3; Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 15, 2; Hor. Epod. 2, 65; id. S. 1, 2, 117; 2, 6, 66.—In gen. fem., Inscr. Orell. 1320.— Such slaves were trained up as buffoons or jesters, Mart. 1, 42, 2; cf. Sen. Prov. 1, 6; and v. vernilitas.—As a term of abuse, Plaut. Am. 4, 2, 13.—II.Transf., a native: de plebe Remi Numaeque verna, Jucundus, etc., Mart. 10, 76, 4; cf.: Romanos vernas appellabant, id est ibidem natos, Fest. p. 372 Müll.—Hence, B.Adj.: ver-nus, a, um, native: apri, Mart. 1, 50, 24: lupi, id. 10, 30, 21: tuberes, id. 13, 43, 2: liber, i. e.