Varius, Adiect. Plin. Diuers: vnlike: variable: vntonstant: changeable: of diuers coulours or fathions.Varia veste exornatus. Ter. Dressed in a garment of diners coulours.Variæ. Plin. Panthers, or other sprckled beasts.Varia fortuna.Cic.Changeable fortune.Varius & multiplex Plato.Cic.Plato skilfull and wel seene in diuers and sundrie matters.-varium & mutabile femper Fœmina. Tir. A wonian is alway a mutable and vnconstant creature. Aestu vario irarum fluctuar Virg.Artes variæ.Virg. Casus varij. Virgil. Colores varios mentitur lana. Virgil. Wooll taketh diuers colours.Disptariones variæ & diuersæ. Cic.Gentes variæ linguis. Virgil. People of sundrie languages.Varium ius & dispar conditio.Cic.Lepore vario distincta omnia. Lucr. Lynces variæ.Virg.Speckled, or of diuers coulours.Opum variarum diues.Virg.Orario multa & varia & copiosa.Cic.Full of varietie and copious.SÊæ variæ & discrepãtes. C. Diuers & sundry opiniõs.Sermone vario trahebat noctem, Virg.Victoria varia.Liu.Vuæ variæ fiunt. Caro. Grapes change colout. Varius.Cic.That hath spots in the face, or is flecked.
Varus, A riuer, which diuideth the part of Frannce called Narbon, from Italie, Also it was the name of a Poet.