Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Variá-re, v. a. to vary, to diversify, to change, to alter; v. n.
1. to differ or be different, to be unlike, to vary; 2. to differ, to disagree, not to be of the same opinion. Gli scrittori variano sopra questo soggetto, writers disagree upon this subject; s. m. Variá-tóre, f. Variá-tríce; adj.Variá-nte .
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
variare: to varie, to change, to alter, to differ. Also to be mutable. Also to varie, to disagree or square in opinion. Also to write diuersly. Also to varie in armorie. Also to make diuers or of sundrie fashions and colours, or mingle and enterlace diuersly.