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Forms: testudine (data provider: donatus)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Testúdine, s. f.
1. a tortoise, turtle; 2. (med. t.)an encysted tumour in the head. V. testuggine.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
testudine: a Tortoise. Also any shellcrab, Crab-fish, Lobstar, or any great Snaile, with a shell both of land and sea. Also a shall-Toade. Also the bellie of a Lute, or Lute it selfe, because it somewhat resembleth a Tortoise shell. Also the roofe or vault of a house consisting of two arches, the one going crosse-wise ouer the other. Also a warlike fence or engine made of boords, couered ouer with raw hides, which serued against fire and stones flung against souldiers, vnder which they might safely assault the walles. Also a kind of target-fence, which was a close holding and ioining together of targets ouer-head, like a roofe, where- with the foote-men being defended, did beare off the thick shot of arrowes or slinging of stones. Vsed also for any great Shield, Target, Paluoise, or buckler. Also the name of a Starre or Signe in heauen.