[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: tessere (data provider: donatus)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Téssera, s. f.
1. a tally, mark, sign; 2. a small tablet used by the ancient Romans.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
tessera: any thing that euery way is square, as a Dye, or Cube, any geometrical foure square figure, a dye to play withall. Also a signe, a note, a marke, or token. Also a token of leade, of leather, or any other thing that was wont to be giuē to the people as a dole, Also a score or tallie whereon the number of things deliuered are marked, such as our Bakers, our Bruers, and our Checquer-men vse to score vpon. Also a watch-word, a priuie signe or token whereby spies and enemies are discerned from companions and fellowes in armes, which was either a dumb signe, or vttred with the voice, our Sentinels call it the word, or watch-word. Also a deuise of iron called tarriers to play and passe away the time withall. Also some part of a weauers loome. Also a Printers frame for his letters. Also some part of a yoke. Also the name of a toole that Farrters vse.