Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Táglia, s. f.
1. slaughter, massacre, carnage; 2. (obs.) edge of the knife; 3. tax, impost, charge;4. ransom; 5. reward offered for killing robbers, rebels, &c.; 6. league or treaty, alliance;7. share, portion, quota. Ess<*>r in —, to be in alliance, to be allied; 8. device livery, fashion;9. nature, quality, kind; 10. will, pleasure. Quando tu vogli partire, questo è in tua —, if you have a mind to go, you may please yourself; 11. tally, score; 12. size, stature. Di mezza —, of middle stature or size; 13. tackle, a block for raising weights; 14. a pulley.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
taglia: a pullte, but properly the little wheele in the pullie called a Shiuer. Also a tallie, a tale, a skore, such as our Bruers and Bakers vse. Also at aske, a size, a fine or fee set vpon ones head, a taxation or imposition of any payment, a ransome. Also a stature, a beight, a proportion or pitch of any man or woman. Dónna di bella táglia, a woman of a goodly stature or beight. Also vsed by Dánte for fashion, garbe, manner, making or qualitie of any thing. Also a faction, a sect, a combination or partialitie of men isined in league together.