Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Scárp-a, s. f. dim. Scárp-étta, Scárp-ettáccia, Scárp-ettína, Scárp-ína, aug. Scárp-ettóna, Scárp-ettóne, Scárp-óne, disp. Scárp-áccia,
1. shoe,2. (mil. t.) the scarp or slope of a wall, insidewall of the ditch. Muro a —, a wall having a scarp; 3. a drag for a carriage; 4. a kind of fish. — dell'ancora, the shoe of the anchor. A —, sloping, shelving.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
scarpa: amongst souldiers is called a Scarp, that is, the slopenesse of the wall, for, all fortifications are built slope, the better to sustaine the earth from falling, but properly any kind of shooe. Also a kind of fish called also Scáro. Also a purse of monie in the roagues language, or pedlers french.