Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rózz-o, adj. sup. Rózz-íssimo, dim. Rózz-étto, aug. Rózz-óne,
1. rough, harsh, uneven, unpolished. Pietra rozza, unpolished stone. Tela rozza, raw linen. Seta rozza, raw silk; 2. churlish, clownish, raw; 3. ignorant, silly; adv. Rózz-aménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rozzo: rude, rough, brutish, vnciuill, barbarous, rusticall, clownish. Also vnwrought, vnpolished, blunt, homelie, bungler-like. Also a bunch of Grapet dangling downe from the Vine. Also a bough or branch full of any fruit as of Plums or Cherries hanging on the tree.