Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rómp-ere, v. a. (pass. rup-pi, Rómp-pe, Rómp-pero, part. rotto,)
1. to break, smash, break down. — una gamba, to break a leg. — eserciti, to rout, put to rout, defeat. — l'aere, to cut the air;2. to maul, beat black and blue; 3. to debilitate, weaken, weary, tire. Rotto dagli anni,worn down with age; 4. to break, interrupt, violate. — le leggi, to break the laws. — il proponimento, to change one's mind. — il digiuno, to breakfast, to eat. — le parole, to interrupt a person. — l'uovo in bocca, to supplant, forestall, baffle. — il silenzio, to break silence. — in mare, to shipwreck. — la fede,to be faithless. — l'amicizia, to break with, fall out with. — il patto, to break the compact. — il sonno, to awake. — la terra, (mil. t.) to break ground. — il ghiaccio, to break the ice, make a beginning. — il capo ad uno, to teaze a person. — il prezzo alla mercanzia,to set the price upon goods. — la testa,to pummel, beat the head. — la guerra, to declare war. — il collo, to strangle. — una lancia con alcuno, to break a lance, run a tilt with one. Aver rotto lo scilinguagnolo, to be chatty, talkative, glib; v. r. — lo stomaco ad uno, to vomit. — ad ira, to fall into a passion. — da checchessia, to cease, desist from any thing. — in parole, to begin speaking. Il tempo si rompe, the weather breaks. — a ridere, to fall a laughing; (mil. t.) to cut one's way through the enemy; s. m. Rómp-itóre, f. Rómp-itríceadj. Rómp-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
rompere: or rompúto, to breake, to batter, to teare, to split, to burst, to shiuer, to rend, to totter, to crush or craze in pieces or a sunder. Also to wracke. Also to put to rout, to ouerthrow or destroy, and defeat. Also to breake or be bankerout. Also to suffer shipwracke.