Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ritrárre, v. a. & n. (V. trarre,)
1. to draw, take, fetch, or get away, take off; 2. to extract; 3. to describe, show; 4. to draw, paint; 5. to understand;6. to come to the knowledge of; 7. to copy, imitate. — profitto d'una cosa, to derive profit from a thing; 8. to take off, divert from; 9. to draw or pull back; 10. to describe, relate, tell; 11. to receive. — da alcuna cosa, to take after a thing, to be like it. Egli ritrae dal padre, he takes after his father;v. r. 1. to retire, go away; 2. to fly to a place or to any one for shelter. — dall'impresa, to forsake or abandon an enterprise or design; 3. to change one's mind, repent.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ritrarre: to retract, to withdraw, to retire. Also to shrinke in. Also to draw, to pourtray, to limne.