Rictus, huius rictus, m. g. Martial. The yawning or gaping of the mouth. A grinning or scorneful opening of the mouth. The forme of the visage when a man grinneth, or a dog narreth. Ci. Rictus columbi. Pli. A pygeons bill. Caninus rictus. Iuue. The narring or grinning of a dogge. The yawning of a dogges month.Crudi rictus. Sen. The gaping of a fierce horse.Rictus ad aures dehiscens. Plin. A gaping so wide that the mouth seemeth to reach from the one eare to the other.Flexibiles rictus quadrupedis.Ouid.Fluidi rictus sanguine. Oui. Mouthes running with bloud.Fulmineus rictus lupi. Oui. The mouth of the woulfe lightning like a tempest.Immanes rictus. Claud. Lati rictus.Ouid.Wide yawnings.Lethiferi. Claud. Modici rictus.Ouid.A little mouth.Niger rictus. Sil. Oblitus spumis rictus.Ouid.A fomie mouth.Patuli rictus.Ouid.Wide yawnings.Pestiferi rictus, Oui.The poysonous yawning of a serpente.Spumantes rictus. Oui. A mouth foming.Tabido rictu mœsta iacent. Sen. Contrahere rictum, eorum est qui mœsti aut meditabundi sunt. Bud. To draw the mouth togither.Risu diducere rictum. Hor. To gape, or to drawe the mouth in laughing.Diducere rictum.Iuuen.To open the mouth: to gape.Disteudere rictum. Quint. To yawne wide.Ricturn alicuius in loquendo reddere. Plin. To drawe his mouth in speaking like one.Nimbosoq; ruunt spumantia flumina rictu. Sil.
ringor, rictus, 3, v. dep. n., to open wide the mouth, to show the teeth (very rare). I.Lit.: saltat ridens, ringitur, Pompon. ap. Non. 517, 30 (Com. Rel. p. 206 Rib.).—II.Trop., to be vexed, angry; to chafe, snarl (the fig. borrowed from a growling dog): ille ringitur, tu rideas, Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 27 Don.: ringeris quoties aliquem in fastis saepius legeris, Sen. Ep. 104, 9: sapere et ringi, Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 128; Sid. Carm. 23, 86.