Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Riconósc-ere, v. a. (V. conoscere,)
1. to know again, recognize. — una cosa da uno, to be bound to one for something. Da voi riconosco la vita, I am bound to you for my life; 2. to acknowledge, to consider, to be thankful or grateful for, to requite, to reward or recompense.— un paese, una fortezza, una batteria,to observe, view, take a view of, reconnoitre a country, a fortress, a battery; 3. to distinguish;4. to meet, find. — un errore, un peccato,to acknowledge an error, confess a sin;v. r. to acknowledge one's faults; s. m. Riconósc-itóre,f. Riconósc-itríce; adj. Riconósc-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
riconoscere: to know againe, to reacknowledge, to be thankefull. Also to view or surueigh and take perfect notice of.