Refuto, refúras, pen. prod. refutâre. Cic.To confute: to proue % contrarie: to replie: to denie.Manifesta refutant id. Lucr. Res vera refutat id. Luer. The truth doth proue that false.Testes refutare. Ci. To reproue witnesses.Testibus aliquid refutare.Cic.By witnesses to conuince or shew the contrarie.Refutare & re & verbis, Ci.Semper illas nationes nostri imperatores refutandas potius belló qum lacessendas putauerunt. Ci. Our Captaineshane alway thought it better to defend one selues and repel warre made by these nations: than to inuade them, or beginne warre with them.Refutare acreijcere. Ci. Oratione feroci refutando plebem.Liu.With fierce words to refel the peoples sayings.Conatum alicuius refutare. Ci. To resist or repel that which one goeth about.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
rĕfūto, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [root fu-; Gr. xu-, xevw, xeu=ma; cf.: fundo, futtilis, Curt. Gr. Etym. p. 204 sq.], to check, drive back, repress.I.Lit.: semper illas nationes nostri imperatores refutandas potius bello quam lacessandas putaverunt, Cic. Prov. Cons. 13, 32.—II.Trop., to repel, repress, resist, restrain, oppose (freq. and class.; syn.: reicio, reprimo). A. In gen.: virtutem aspernari ac refutare, Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 44: refutetur ac reiciatur ille clamor, id. Tusc. 2, 33, 55: alicujus cupiditatem, id. Fam. 1, 9, 25: vitam, to contemn, Sall. Fragm. ap. Serv. ad Verg. G. 4, 218 (H. 1, 73 Dietsch); cf.: temporis munera, Quint. 10, 6, 6: alicujus libidinem, Cic. de Or. 3, 1, 4: nummum, Sol. 22 med.: ad mortem si te (Fors dicta refutet!) Prodiderim,
may fate avert
, Verg. A. 12, 41.—B. In partic., to repel, rebut any thing by speech, etc.; to confute, refute, disprove (syn.: refello, redarguo): res refutat id, Lucr. 2, 245; 2, 867: nemo te ita refutandum ut gravem adversarium arbitrabatur, Cic. Vatin. 1, 1: testes, id. Font. 1, 1: nostra confirmare argumentis ac rationibus, deinde contraria refutare, id. de Or. 2, 19, 80; so (opp. confirmare) Quint. 5, prooem. 2: neque refutanda tantum, sed contemnenda, elevanda, ridenda sunt, id. 6, 4, 10: perjuria testimoniis, Cic. Font. 16, 35: oratio re multo magis quam verbis refutata, id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 52: infamiam pudicitiae posterae vitae castitate, Suet. Aug. 71: quos tum, ut pueri, refutare domesticis testibus solebamus, Cic. de Or. 2, 1, 2: a te refutentur, id. Fam. 9, 11, 2: tribunos oratione feroci, Liv. 2, 52 fin.— Poet., with object-clause: si quis corpus sentire refutat,