Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Raccógli-ere, v. a. & n. (V. cogliere,)
1. to pick up, gather; 2. to collect, assemble, bring together,3. to reap; 4. to contain, hold, comprehend;5. to observe, note; 6. to conceive, apprehend, perceive; 7. to deduce, infer; 8. to take refuge, repair; 9. to approach, go near; 10. to concentrate one's mind upon. — il conto, to calculate. — il parto, to assist a lying-in woman. — la mente in Dio, to turn all one's thoughts to God. — la parola, to hear, note what is said. — l'alito or spirito, to breathe, take breath; v. r. — in se stesso, to collect one's self, put one's self on one's guard; s. m.Raccógli-tóre , f. Raccógli-tríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
raccogliere: to gather, to collect or assemble together againe, to gather in haruest. Also to receiue and entertaine friendly.