Cum, Tum maximè. Cicer. Cum multis in locis nostrorum hominum ingenia, virtutésq, soleo mirari, tum maximè his in studijs, que, &c. As in many matters, so especially, &cHæc cum summè inutilia, tum multò turpissima sunt. Cice. Sine quo cum in vita nihil qu icquam egregium, tum certè hoc quod tu expetis, nemo vnquam asse quetur.Cic. Iam biennium est, cum mecum ille esse cœpit. Plau. It is two yeare since he came to me first.Biennium præterijt cum ille xallipi/dne assiduo cursu cubitū nullum processerit. Cic.Diu est cum dentes exciderunt. Plau. It is long since he cast his teeth.NondÛ sex menses Megaribus huc est cum commigrauit.Plaut.It is not halfe a yeare since he came from Megara hither to dwel.Dies nondum decem intercesserant, cum ille alter filius infa necatur. Cic.There was not ten daies past, but that the other yong sonne was killed.Si vnquam vllum fuit tempus mater, cum ego voluptati tibi fuerim. Ter. If there were ener any time wherein you delighted in me.Tu omnia consilia differebas in id tempus, cum sciremus quæ Brundusij acta essent. C. You deferred al your counsailes vntil that time we might know.Vtinam illum diem videam, cum tibi gratias agam. Cice. I would I might see the day that I might thanke you. Præsertim quum se seruum fateatur tuum. Ter. Especially seeing that, &c.Cum præsertim tam multæ, variæque artes sint animi, quibus, &c.Sal.Id structuræ vitium cum primùm statim fundamenta iaciuntur, euitandum est. Col. By and by, so soone as, &c.Id sexies euenit per annos cum minimum quater. Plin. At the last foure times.Pariunt vere primo cum plurimum sena oua. Pli. Sire egs at the most.Amabat vt cum maximè, tum Pamphilus. Ter. He loued hir then as much as euer he did.Multos iam annos, & nunc cum maximè, filium interfectÛ cupit.Cic.And neuer more than at this present.Erumpit primo satu hordeÛ die septimo, legumina quarto, vel cum tardissimè septimo. Pl. When it tarieth lõgest on the seauenth day.Cum semel exieris, centum solatia, &c.Ouid.So soone as thou art once out.Cumatilis color.Plaut.Blew, or sky colour.Cumatile.Plaut.A blew garment.
Quî, pro vt Non quî argumentum narret, sed quî maleuoli Veteris poetæ maledictis respondeat. Terent.Not that he might shew the argument; but that he may answere, &c. Ego id agam, mihi qui ne detur.Terent.I will so indeuour that she may not be giuen as wife to me?Quî beatior Epicurus quòd in patria viucbat, qum Metrodorus quòd Athenis? Cicero.Wherefore or howe was Epicurus more happie, &c.Quî minus autem ego istic rectè esse possim, qum est Marcellus? Ci.Why may not I be there as well as Marcellus?Quî fieri poterat? Cic.How coulde it come to passe?Quidum? Terent. At nunquid? P. quidum? G. quia tristis es. Why so?
Quis, qui aliquid sapiat, nunc esse beatus potest? Cice. That hath any witte or is any thing wise.Hic planè nihil sapit.Cic.This fellowe hath no witte at all.Per se sapere. Hor.