Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Quárta, s. f.
1. quarter, or a fourth part; 2. a quart, a quart-pot; 3. quarter of the compass.— austro verso garbino, south and by east. — austro verso scirocco, south east and by south. — di maestro verso ponente, north west by west. — di maestro verso tramontana, north west and by north. — di tramontana verso greco, north east and by east. — di tramontana verso maestro, north and by west. — garbino verso austro, south and by west. — garbino verso ponente, south west and by south. — greco verso levante, north east and by east. — greco verso tramontana, north east and by north. — levante verso greco, east and by north. — levante verso scirocco, east and by south. — maestro verso ponente, north west and by west. — maestro verso tramontana.north west and by north. — ponente verso garbino, west and by south. — ponente verso maestro, west and by north. — scirocco verso austro, south east and by south. — scirocco verso levante, south east and by east. — tramontana verso greco, north east and by east. — tramontana verso maestro, north and by west.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
quarta: the fourth, a fourth part, a quart measure. Also a quarter wind.