Propello, lis, puli, pen. cor. pulsum, péllere. Plin. To driue or put away farre off.Propellere castris.Liu.To driue out of his campt.Agmina voce propellere. Sil. Amnem sedibus propellere.Stat.Classem propellere. Lucan. Impetum inimicornm propellere.Cic.Inimicos propellere. Cæsar. To put or drsue backe his enemies.Iniurias hominum propellere. Colu. Anima propellit membra. Lucret. The soule mooueth the limmes or partes of the bodie.Pactione propellere. Salu. To constrain by promise or couenaunt.Pecus pastum propellere. Li. To driue forth cattle to pasture or grasse.Propellere in pabulum. Varro. Idem. Orationem alicuius propellere remis.Cic.To set forwarde ones talke or oration.Quærebam vtrum panderem vela orationis statim, an eam ante pululum dialecticorum remis propellerem. Cic.Periculum propellere.Cic.To repell or put away dannger:to keepe from daunger. In priorem partem iugum propellat. Colu. Let him thrust the yoke to the forepart.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
prō-pello (prŏpellat, Lucr. 4, 195; 6, 1026), pŭli, pulsum, 3, v. a.I.Lit., to drive before one's self, to drive, push, or urge forward, to drive forth; to hurl, propel, hurl or cast down, to overthrow (class.; syn.: proturbo, protrudo): sacerdotem anum praecipem propulit, Plaut. Rud. 3, 3, 8: oves potum, Varr. R. R. 2, 2: in pabulum, id. ib. 2, 2: aëra prae se, Lucr. 4, 286: propellere ac submovere hostes, Caes. B. G. 4, 25: hostem a castris, Liv. 7, 24: nubes, Gell. 2, 22, 24: in profundum e scopulo corpora, Ov. M. 8, 593: hastam, Sil. 16, 571: urbem,
to overthrow
, Val. Fl. 6, 383: muros Oechaliae,
to throw down
, Sen. Herc. Oet. 162; cf.: orationem propellere dialecticorum remis, Cic. Tusc. 4, 5, 9: si paulo largius L. Caecilium pietas et fraternus amor propulisset, id. Sull. 23, 64.—II.Trop.A.To push or thrust forward (post-Aug.): cruda studia in forum, Petr. 4.—B.To drive on, impel, incite, urge (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): corpus, Lucr. 3, 160: terrore carceris ad voluntariam mortem, Tac. A. 11, 2: agmina voce, Sil. 7, 530.—C.To drive away, to keep or ward off: periculum vitae ab aliquo, Liv. 40, 11 fin.: famem, Hor. S. 1, 2, 6: injurias hominum ac ferarum, Col. 7, 12, 2.