Pollex, póllicis, pe. cor. m. g. Ci. A thumbe of the hand: % great toe: an inch, that is a fingers bredth and an halfe.Ictus pollicis. Hor. Ignauus. Stat.Festious pollex Claud. Sollicitus. Claud. Honestus. Pers. Tener pollex. Ouid. Leui deducens pollice filum.Ouid.Spinning,Et reliquum nitido detersit pollice somnum. Claud. Rosa delectat, metitur quæ pollice primo. Martial. Whiche is first gathered.Mouere chordas pollice.Stat.To play on the harpe or lute.Impresso pollice nentes stamina.Ouid.Habili pollice prætentat chordas. Oui. He trieth the strings with his nimble thumbe.Irresectum pollicem dente rodere. Hor. Tremulo pollice siccare lachrymas.Ouid.Docto pollice sollicitat stamina.Ouid.He playcth cunningly on the harpe.Tentauit impulsas chordas pollice.Ouid.