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Morphology Lemmata pneumaticus (external link: pneumaticus )Forms: pneumatica (data provider: perseus), pneumaticae (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticas (data provider: perseus), pneumaticasque (data provider: perseus), pneumatici (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticis (data provider: perseus), pneumaticisque (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumatico (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticorum (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticos (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticum (data provider: donatus-sup), pneumaticus (data provider: perseus)Dictionary Charlton T. Lewis: An Elementary Latin Dictionary Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary pneumaticus pneumătĭcus, a, um, adj. , = pneumatiko/s , of or belonging to air or to wind , air- , wind- , pneumatic; of machines that are driven by the force of air: Ctesibius, qui pneumaticas res invenit , Vitr. 9, 9 : organa , Plin. 19, 4, 20, 60 : ratio , id. 7, 37, 38, 125 .
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