Plenitûdo, pen. prod plenitúdinis, f. g. Plin. Fulnesse: thicknes: grossenes.Crescere ad plenitudinem. Pli. To grow thicke and ful.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
plēnĭtūdo, ĭnis, f. [id.], a being full, fulness, plenitude (generally post-Aug.). I.Completeness: plenitudo syllabarum, Auct. Her. 4, 20, 28.—II.Fulness, abundance: terrae (i.e. frugum), Vulg. Deut. 33, 16 al.—III.Thickness, stoutness, e. g. of a rod, of a man (post-Aug.), Col. 4, 30, 4; Plin. 11, 37, 87, 216.