Pila, pilæ, f. g. priore prod. Plin. A morter wherein things are beaten with a pestill. Pila. Plin. A piller.Pilæ lapideæ. Bud Pillers of stone in bullding.Pilæ. Vitruuius. A pile, an heape, or damme made in the water to breake or stay the course. Pila, priore correpta.Plaut.A ball, or any thing round like a ball.Leuis pila.Ouid.Terra pilæ similis.Ouid.Pila lusoria. Plin. A playing ball.Iactus pilarum.Ouid. Velox. Hor. Volubilis. Apul. Pilam scitè ac diligenter excipere, & Aptè & expeditè remittere. Seneca. To receiue or take the ball handsomly and diligently, and to caste or strike it againe featly, and tunningly.Pila se exercere. Cels. To play at the tenise, or like game: to play at the ball.Nec tibi nobilitas minor est, si forte volantem, Aut geminare pilam iuuat, aut reuocare cadentem.Ouid.Pila ludere.Cic.To play at tenise or at ball. Pila lanuginis. Plin. A little rounde ball of mosinesse, as is in gourdes when they be ripe.
Pilo, pilas, pilâre. Afranius. To beginne to bee hairie, or bring forth haire. Pilare. Mart. To pull, or to pull off ones haire.