[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: pietà (data provider: created dynamically cause no lemma is available)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piet-à, Piet-áde, Piet-áte, Piet-ánza, s. f.
1. pity, compassion, commiseration. Abbiate — di me, take pity upon me. Muovere a —, to move one's pity. Per —, for God's sake. Esser fuori di —, to be cruel, inhuman. Fare — ad alcuno,to be kind to a person; 2. piety; 3. (pict. t.)the dead body of Jesus Christ in the Virgin Mary'<*> lap; 4. (poet.) trouble, grief, vexation.