Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piegá-re, v. a.
1. to fold or fold up, to bend or bow. — le ginocchia a terra, to kneel. — una lettera, to fold or make up a letter; 2. to incline, to bend; 3. to move, to shake, to persuade, to induce; 4. to consent, yield, approve, agree to, grant, condescend; 5. to incline, turn towards one of the parts; 6. to diminish. — le insegne, to be no longer inclined to fight. — le mani, to clasp the hands together in token of adoration. — l'orecchio a checchessia, to listen to any thing; 7. (mil. t.) to give way, yield; v. n. to bend, yield; s. m. Piegá-tóre, f.Piegá-tríce; adj. Piegá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
piegare: to bow, to bend, toply, to encline, to stoope, to yeeld, to wry. Also to fould or to plait. Also to appease or draw to what one list, to bumble or perswade.