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Forms: piede (data provider: created dynamically cause no lemma is available)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piéde, piè, s. m. dim. piedíno, pedíno, pedúccio,
1. the foot. A pie'del monte, at the foot of the mountain. Camminare — innanzi —, to walk gently or slowly. Teme che'l mondo gli venga meno sotto i piedi, he is always ofraid of being in want. Levarsi in piedi, to get up, to rise. Stare in piedi, to stand up upon one'slegs. Sono restato in piedi tutta la notte, I sa<*> up all night. Questo va co'suoi piedi, that goes in course; 2. the trunk, stump, stem or body of a tree. Far —, to grow thick (speaking of a tree); 3. foot (measure of length).Alto sei piedi, six feet high; 4. a foot (measure of syllables in verse). Da capo a —, from head to foot, from top to toe. Mettere — a terra,to land. Officiali in —, an officer on full pay. Esser in —, to be in being or standing. Rimanere in —, to continue. Pigliar —, to grow strong. Mettersi la via tra i piedi, to set out, to go away. Star a piedi pari, to live well, to want for nothing. Por — alla fortuna, to surmount all difficulties. Far —, to strengthen, to support, to give strength. A ogni — sospinto,very often. Metter tra piedi una cosa, to propose one thing. Piedi di tavola, di letto e simili, the feet of a table, of a bed, &c. Saltare co'piè giunti, to jump with both one's feet at a time. Guardarsi a'piedi, to examine one's own conscience. — di leone, a herb called patedlion, good against the bite of serpents. — colombino, a kind of herb. Collo dosso del —,the upper part of the foot; 5. the support, basis, or lower part of any thing; 6. step. Andare operare coi piedi feltrati, to work quietly. Andare a piedi di Dio, to die. Andare a — zoppo, to halt, walk lame. Dar de'piedi in terra, to run off. Essere a'piedi di Dio, to be dead. Impennare il —, to commence running swiftly. Metter il — in alcun luogo, to enter a place. Porre un — nell'altra vita, to be near dying. A piedi, on foot. A — fermo,firmly, without flinching. In due piedi, unexpectedly, suddenly. Cercar cinque piedi al montone, to make a difficulty where there is none. Gente a —, infantry, foot soldiers. Guardia a —, the foot-guards.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
piede: a foote. Also a base, a foote-stall or foundation of any thing. Also a measure of a foote or twelue inches.