Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piázz-a, s. f. dim. Piázz-étta, Piázz-uóla,
1. a square; 2. a market or market-place; 3. place, room. Fate — al signore, make room for the gentleman. Far belle le piazze, to quarrel, to be quarrelsome, to pick a quarrel. Fare il bello in —, to pick one's nails, to be idle; 4. a fortified city or town, a fortress, a place. — d'arme, a place of arms, arsenal. — di mercanti, the ex- <*>hange. Far — de'fatti altrui, to publish the deeds of others. Esser piene le piazze d'una cosa, the town is full of it, every body knows it.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
piazza: any market-place, a chiefe street or broad way in any Cittie or Towne. Also an open court, a castle-yard, a court before great mens houses where people walke. Also an open place or seat of Iustice. Also any holde or fort or strong place.