Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piantá-re, v. a.
1. to plant or set; 2. to plant, a kind of torment formerly used for traitors and ruffians who were set in the ground with the head downwards; 3. to set or set up. — i piedi in un luogo, to set foot in a place. — la bandiera, to set up the standard; 4. to forsake, to leave. Mi piantò senza dirmi addio,he left me without bidding me adieu. — le corna ad uno, to make one a cuckold, to fit him with a pair of horns. — carote, to make a person believe what is false; 5. to place a thing upon a solid foundation; 6. to leave, abandon a person; v. r. to place one's self;s. m. Piantá-tóre, f. Piantá-tríce.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
piantare: to plant, to set, to fixe in the ground. Also to cheate, to cunniecatch to giue one the slip.