Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Péna, s. f.
1. pain, punishment. Avere —, to suffer pain. Pigliarsi — d'alcuna cosa, to be disgusted with any thing. Egli ha fatto il male, ed io ne porto la —, he has done the mischief, and I suffer for it; 2. pain, affliction, grief, sorrow, trouble; 3. pains, trouble, toil, labour.A gran —, with much ado. Sotto — della vita, upon pain of death. Non val la —, it is not worth the while or one's while, with difficulty. A — che, scarcely, hardly.Péna (A), adv. 1. painfully; 2. with difficulty.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
pena: paine, labour, swinke, punishment. Also affliction or passion of minde. Also penaltie or forfait. Also vpon paine or forfeiture of. Apéna, hardly, with paine. A gran péna, with much paine, very hardly.