Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Patí-re, v. n.
1. to suffer, to endure; 2. to suffer, endure, bear or abide. Il mio onore non patisce ch'io faccia tal cosa, it is not conformable to my honour to do such a thing. Il cuor mi patisce di vedervi in questo stato, my heart bleeds to see you in this condition. — d'una cosa, to want. — di danari, to want money. Non patisco di niente, I want for nothing. Non poter — uno, to hate one. Non posso — lo, I hate him. — interesse, to pay interest; 3. to digest. — una disgrazia, to undergo a misfortune. — d'una malattia o altro male, to be subject to a disease or other evil. Patisce di mal di pietra, he has the stone; s. m. Patí-tóre, f.Patí-tríce .
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
patire: to suffer, to endure, to beare or abide with patience.