Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Pará-re, v. a.
1. to adorn, ornament, dress out; 2. to present, hold out; 3. to hinder by opposing, to ward off, stop. — un colpo, to parry a thrust; 4. to oppose, set against; 5. to meet;6. to show, propose, to demonstrate; 7. to place before. — le greggi, to guide the flock to pasture. — le mosche, to drive away the flies; v. n. 1. to paint, to ornament with dress;2. to succeed; 3. to come to the conclusion.— via, to go away suddenly; v. r. to defend one's self, be on one's guard. — altrui dinanzi alcuna cosa, to remember, to come into one's memory. — dinanzi ad alcuno, to meet a person; s. m. Pará-tóre, f. Pará-tríce; adj. Pará-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
parare: to ward or defend a blow, to repaire, to couer from, to shield, to shroud, to shelter. Also to teach a horse to stay and stop orderly. Also the stop in the action of borsemanship. Pára béne, he stops well. Also to dight, to adorne, to set forth, to garnish, to prepare, to make ready, or set in a readinesse. Also to propose an occasion.