Nona, The name of one of the three fatall Ladies called Parcæ: the other twoo are Decima and Morta. The Greekes call them, Clotho, Lachefis, and Atropos.
Nonus, Adiectinum numerale. Plin. The ninth.Non nisi nonis mensibus redeunt. Plin. They returne but uery ninth moneth.
nōnus, a, um, adj. ord. [for novenus, from novem], the ninth: terra nona, Cic. Rep. 6, 18, 18: accedes opera agro nona Sabino, Hor. S. 2, 7, 118.—II.Subst.: nōna, ae, f.A. (Sc. hora.) The ninth hour of the day, i. e. the third before sunset, at which hour business was ended at Rome: post nonam venies, Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 71; Mart. 4, 8, 5.—B. (Sc. pars.) The ninth part: nonas praedae vovere, Just. 20, 3, 3.—Hence, adv.: nōnō, ninthly, Cassiod. de Anim. 12.