Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Nód-o, s. m. dim. Nód-éllo, Nód-étto, Nód-íno, Nód-ulo,
1. knot.— di perle, a knot of pearls. — del collo, the nape of the neck. — di vento, a whirlwind. — di salamone, a running-knot. — in sul dito, a tailor's knot. — a piè d'uccello, a kind of knot so called by seamstresses. — ascendente, (astron. t.) ascending node; 2. knot, knur, or knob. Bastone pien di nodi, knobby stick; 3. doubt, difficulty. — della vita, the load of life; 4. joint, knuckle, the ankle; 5. knot made at the end of a thread to prevent its running through the needle.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
nodo: any kind of node, knot or knur. Also the toint of any Cane. Also the hardnesse or difficulty of any thing.