Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Nóbil-e, adj. sup. Nóbil-íssimo,
1. noble, of a noble race or family; 2. noble, illustrious, excellent, very good; 3. magnificent, splendid; 4. sacred, holy. Alla —, nobly; s. m. 1. a nobleman, gentleman; 2. a noble, an old English gold coin, value 6s. 8d. sterling; adv. Nóbil-ménte,Nóbil-eménte , sup. Nóbil-issimaménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
nobile: noble, famous, excellent, greatly knowne, a Gentleman by birth or title. Also a coine in England called a Noble.