Muto, mutas, mutâre. Varr. To change: to transtate: to batter or exchange one thing for another: to change from one nature or colour to another.Mutari in marem. Plin. To be turned into a male.Mutare in peius. Quint. To make woorse.In horas mutari. Horat. To change or alter euery houre.Mutate se in formam alterius.Plaut.To disguise himselfe to the likenesse of another. Mutare se habitu & loco, pro co quod est, mutare habitum & locum. Horat. Animum mutare. & mutare sententiam. Terent.To chãge his minde or opinion.Verbo mutantur amantes. Propert. Amictus frustr mutantur. Tibul. Beneficium mutare. Cæs. To change or alter the nature of a good turne.Brachia mutamus vario amplexu. Propert. Cœnacula mutare, lectos, balnea, &c. Horar. Colorem mutare ad similitudinem loci. Plin. To change colout like to the place where he sitteth.Consilium mutare.Cic.To alter or change his purpose.Decretum mutare.Cic.De vxore vt possedi, nihil mutat Chremes. Ter. Chremes altereth nothing concerning the dowry that I haue with my wife.Dicta mutare.Plaut.To vnsay that is sayde.Haud muto factum. Ter. I did not repent me of that I did.Fidem mutare.Plaut.To vnsay that he promised: not to stand to his worde.Fidem mutare cum aliquo. Ter. Not to keepe promise.Actûtum fortunæ solent mutari.Plaut.Gestum mutare. Lucret. To alter gesture.Mutauerat babitum oris. Lucan. Id mutauit, quoniam. me immutatum videt. Terent.He hath changed his mind in that, bicause he seeth me one mā still.Ius murare.Liu.To alter the law.Locum mutare.Cic.To go to another place.Menrem murare.Cic.To change his minde or phantasie.Mutare mores.Terent.To change his conditions.Naturam mutare. Horat. Nuptias mutare.Plaut.To vndue a mariage.Pactionem mutare.Cic.To alter or vndue a bargaine.Sedem ac locum mutare.Cic.To forsake his habitation and go dwell in another place.Sedem murare ex sede, vt volucres. Plin. To goe from place toplace.Sententiam mutare.Cic.Solum mutare.Cic.To leane his countrey and go dwell in a straunge place.Sorrem alicuius mutare in contraria.Ouid.Testamentum mutare.Cic.Vellera mutare luto.Virg.To die, colaut, or staine wooll.Vestem mutare cum aliquo.Liu.In token of sorow to change his garment and weare a mourning gowne with one in his aduersitie.Tempestas & humor cœli mutauere vias.Virg.Terra mutat vices. Horat. Vitam mutare priorem. Lucr. Vulgus mutatur cum principe. Claud. The common people is chaunged as the prince is.Voltum mutare.Cic.To chaunge countenaunce. Mutare aliquid cum aliquo.Terent.To exchaunge a thing with one.Mutare ære aliquid cum altero.Salust.To exthange a thing with one for money.Mutare ære. Colum. To sell.Mutare merces.Virg.To chaunge ware for ware. Mutare bellum pro pace.Salust.Miseram pacem vel bello bene mutari.Tacit.It is well to chaunge miserable peace euen for warre.Mutare alia realiã. Hor. To chaunge one thing for another.Mutare gaudium mœrore. Pli. iun. To turne % into sorow.Murare iucunda seueris. Pli. iun. To chaunge pleasant things for graue and senere.Mitibus murare tristia. Horat. Exilio mutant vrbem.Ouid.Mutare prætextam paludamento.Plin. iun.To chaunge his robe of peace into a coate armour.Quadrata mutat rotundis. Horat. Nihil ipso te fortuna mutauit.Plin. iun.Fortune hath chaunged nothing in thy selfe: thou art still one man.Exiliom patria sede mutauerat. Curtius. He willingly went iuto exyle. Si queam mutare. Ter. If I could amend the matter, or make it otherwise. Mutari cinitate.Cicer.To be made free in a citie, and forsake the right that he had in another before.