Murus, muri m. g. Cic.A will: a bulwarke: a defence.Minæ murorum ingentes.Virg.The great battlements of walles.Aerij fastigia muri.Val. Flac.Partem muri desijcere Suet.To beat downe part of the wal.Aheneus murus. Horat. Discissi muri.Stat.Lapideus murus.Liu.Humiles muri.Ouid.Low walles.Sublimes muri Claud. Ædificare muros.Ouid.Latior murus vrbem amplectitur. Hor. Subitos attollere muros. Lucan. Oppida cingere muris.Virg.To build walles about townes: to wall about.Igni circundire muros.Virg. Arces circundabit muro. Virg.Triplici muro circundata mœnia.Virg.A place hauing three walles about to defend it.Contabularunt murum turribus, Vide CONTABVLO.Correpere intra murum, Vide CORREPO.Defendere muros.Virg.Diuidimus muros, & mœnia pandimus vrbis. Virgil. Wee breake downe a part of the walles, and make an open way into the citie.Dare murum sceleri. Claud. Ducere muros.Virg.To buylde vp.In planum effundere muros Lucan.To beate the walles flat to the ground.Patrios excedere muros. Lucan. Fodere murum.Ouid.To mine or digge, to pull downe a wall.Hostes habet muros. Virgil. The enimies haue wonne the walles.Impellere muros manu.Stat.Lapsis muris ingentia iacent saxa. Lucan. Percussit murum aries.Cic.The engine battered the wall.Fragiles procumbunt muri. Claud. Conuulsus prosternes oppida muris. Sil. Quatere muros.Virg.Labentes renouare moros, Seneca.To repayre or make vp againe walles ready to fall, or ruinous walles.Tutos seruabant aggere muros.Virg.Ignem subdere muris. Sil. Succedere murum. Tacir. To come vnder the wall.Traijcerum murum iaculo.Cic.Trascendere muros scalis. Sil. To scale the walles. Murus, per translationem.A sure or strong defence.Cicer. Dum memoria Consulatus mei erit vestsis mentibus infixa, firmissimo me muro septum esse arbitrabor. Lex Helia & Fusia, propugnacula, muríque tranquillitatis & otij.Cicer.The bulwarkes and sure defences of rest and quietnesse. Murus, Agger etiam dicitur sine fossa. Varr. A bulwarke: a wall.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
mūrus (archaic orthogr. moerus, Varr. L. L. 5, 32, 41 Müll.; Enn. ap. Serv. Verg. G. 1, 18, or Ann. v. 376 Vahl.; Verg. A. 10, 24: moirus, Inscr. Orell. 566), i, m. [from root mū-; cf.: moenia, munis], a wall; esp. a city wall; mostly in plur. (class.; cf.: moenia, paries, maceria). I.Lit.: muri urbis, Cic. N. D. 3, 40, 94: Helvii intra oppida murosque compelluntur, Caes. B. G. 7, 65: instruere, Nep. Th. 6, 4: ducere, Verg. A. 1, 423: aedificare, Ov. M. 11, 204: marmoreus,
a balcony
, Calp. Ecl. 7, 48.—Also, the wall of a building, Cic. Att. 2, 4, 7: sanctae res, veluti muri et portae, quodammodo divini juris sunt, Gai. Inst. 2, 9.—B.Transf.1.A bank, mound, dam, Varr. R. R. 1, 14, 3.—2.The rim or side of a pot or boiler: quae tenui muro spatiosum colligat orbem, Juv. 4, 132.—3.The wooden tower of an elephant, Sil. 9, 601.—4.The head-dress of Cybele, ornamented with towers: crinalis, Claud. in. Eutr. 2, 284.—II.Trop., a wall, a safeguard, protection, defence (rare but class.): lex Aelia et Fufia, propugnacula murique tranquillitatis, Cic. Pis. 4, 9: Graiūm murus Achilles, Ov. M. 13, 280: cor munitum costarum et pectoris muro, Plin. 11, 37, 69, 181: hic murus aëneus esto, Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 60.