Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Muóvere, v. a. (pass. mos-si, -se, -sero, part. -so,)
1. to move, stir, give motion; 2. to induce, to lead, to entice, to persuade or draw on.— a pietà, to move to pity, to touch one's heart. — dubbio, to start a difficulty. — lite, to go to law; 3. to proceed, to come from, to spring from, to arise or rise; 4. to begin; 5. to bud, to burgeon or bloom. — battaglia, to begin battle. — bocca, to open the mouth. — dimande,to ask for, demand. — il corpo, to move the body. — il piede, to walk. — il trattato, to propose the treaty. — in fuga, to flee. — sospiri, to sigh. — preghi, to pray. — paura, to frighten, alarm. — un'inganno,to deceive; v. n. 1. to be born, proceed from, to originate; 2. to move; 3. to cut (the teeth);4. — a battaglia, to prepare for battle; v. r. — da un luogo, to move from a place. — a piangere, to begin to complain. — a briga con,to have a dispute with.