[Remark: this dictionary entry has no valid XML/HTML content in database so a text version of this entry is shown.]: <orth>Magis</orth>, maior, vide MAOIS. Mulco maximus, Vide MVLTVS. Magnorum maxirne regum. Hor. <p> <sense><trans lang="en">Thou of all noble princes the most worthie and excellent.</trans> <PB> <I>Inter omnes maximus.</I> <bibl><author>Ouid.</author></bibl> <I> Maior, ad annos relatum.</I> <bibl><author>Terent.</author></bibl> annos nata esi sedecim: Non maior. <trans lang="en">No elder.</trans> <I>Maior iã LX.</I> annis erat. <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">He was aboue 60 yeres olde.</trans> <I>Magno natu.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Very olde: of great age: aunclent.</trans> <I>Qui fuit maior natu, qum Plautus & Næuius.</I> Cice. <trans lang="en">Which was elder, than.</trans> <I>Audiui ex maioribus natu, hoc idem fuisse.</I> Cicero. <trans lang="en">I haue bearde of my auncetours or clders.</trans> <I>Maiores natu consulemus <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl></I> <I>Maximus natu.</I> <trans lang="en">The eldest.</trans> <I> Magnum, substantiuè.</I> Magnum est quicquid quæritat. <bibl><author>Plaut.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">It is some great matter.</trans> <I>Magnum facere Hor.</I> <trans lang="en">To doe some great matter.</trans> <I>Narras magnum, vix credibile.</I> Horat. <trans lang="en">It is a great matter that thou tellest and scant credible.</trans> <I>Peccare magna.</I> <bibl><author>Tacit.</author></bibl> <I>Magnum est efficere, vt quis intelligat quid sit illud verum & simplex bonum.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">It is an hard matter to bring to passe, that, &c.</trans> <I>Quid est enim magnum, quum causas terum efficientium sustuleris, &c.</I> <trans lang="en">What great matter is it<12> seeing, &c.</trans> <I>Magnum est in amicitia, superiorem parem esse inferiori.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">In friendship it is a great matter, &c.</trans> <I> Vel (quod maius est) in hosle etiam diligamus.</I> Cicero. <trans lang="en">Or else (which is a great matter) to loue it in our enimie.</trans> <I>Viribus maiora audeie.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To enterprise things greater than we be able to atchieue.</trans> <I> Maxima parte, & magua ex parte.</I> <bibl><author>Plin. iun.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">For the moste parte.</trans> <I>Aut omnino, aut magna ex parte essem aliquando liberatus.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Or for the more part.</trans> <I>Magnam partem in his partien dis & definiendis occupati sunt.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">They be occupied more parte of the time in diuiding and desining of them.</trans> <I> Magno, absolutè positum, pro Maguo pretio.</I> Plau. <trans lang="en">Deare: at a great price.</trans> <I>Magno constat.</I> <bibl><author>Plin. iun.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">It cost a great price.</trans> <I>Magno vendidisti.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Thou soldest it very deare.</trans> <I>Mercari aliquid magno.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> Maximo pretio. Plin. <I>Magni item, absolutè pro eodem.</I> Ci. Magni erunt mihi literæ ruæ. <trans lang="en">Your letters shall be to me of great value.</trans> <I> Magnom, pro Valdî <bibl><author>Plaut.</author></bibl></I> Nam eò magnum clamar, tetigit calicem. <trans lang="en">For he crieth therewith aloude.</trans> <I> Maior morbus.</I> Qui & comitialis dicitur. Cels. <trans lang="en">The falling cuil.</trans> <I> Maiores.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Auncetours: elders.</trans> <I> Optimus maximus, non solùm de deo dicitur, sed de fÛdo, agro, domo, & alijs.</I> Celf. <trans lang="en">Lande holden in franke tenure.</trans> <I>Quòd si vt optimus maximúsq; esset, traditus fuerit fundus, liberum ab omni setuitute præstandum.</I> Cels. <I> Maximus pontifex.</I> Vide PONTIFEX. <I>Maximus curio.</I> Fest. <trans lang="en">The greatest ouerseer of the ward.</trans> <I>Magnum socerum appellat vir vxoris suæ auum.</I> Fest. <trans lang="en">The wiues grandfather.</trans> <I>Magnam socrum vir vxotis suæ auiam appellat.</I> Festus. <trans lang="en">The wiues grandmother.</trans> <I>Maior socer.</I> Fest. <trans lang="en">The wiues great grandfather.</trans> <I>Mator pateuus.</I> Fest. <trans lang="en">My grandfathers vncle.</trans> <I>Maior Amita, Aui & auiæ amita.</I> Festus. <trans lang="en">The great aunte by the fathers fide.</trans> <I>Maior auunculus.</I> Festus. <trans lang="en">The grandmothers brother by she mothers side.</trans> <I>Maior magistratus.</I> Consul dicitur. Festus. <I>Maiúsculus.</I> pen. cor. Diminut. Plin. Cicero. <trans lang="en">Somewhat bigger: of good slature and age.</trans> </sense>
Magus, magi, m. g. Dictio Persica, qua apud eos sapiens significatur. eos enim Persæ magos vocant, quos Græci philosophos, Latini sapientes, Galli druydas, Aegyptij prophetas, siue sacerdores. Cicero. A wise manne: a great learned philosopher.Magus.A soothsayer: a diuinor: a magician: an inchanter.Artes magotum.Ouid.The artes and sciences of the Magicians. Portenta magorum. Cic.