Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Mácchi-a, s. f. dim. Mácchi-arélla, Mácchi-étta, Mácchi-olína, Mácchi-úzza, aug. Mácchi-óne, disp. Mácchi-áccia,
1. spot, stain; 2. dirt, soil upon any thing; 3. blur, spot, stain, blemish.— nell'occhio, a blemish in the eye; 4. (fig.) stain, spot upon the conscience, reputation, &c.; 5. macula, dark spot, which appears on the disc or face of the sun, moon, &c.; 6. pl. macula, any spotted discolorations on the surface of the body; 7. a coarse kind of painting or colouring; 8. sin, transgression. Cavarne, trarne la —, to find out the fault andput a remedy to it; 9. wood, forest; 10.hedge. Combattere alla —, to fight in ambush. Fare alla —, to do a thing underhand, in secret, hugger-mugger, to forge, coin false money.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
macchia: any kind of spot, speckle, staine or blemish. Also a touch, a taint or note of infamy and reproach. Also a brake of briers, a firzie place, a thicket of Brambles or Briers, a place full of bushes and shrubs.