Lutum, luti, n. g. priore correpta. lunen. Clay: durt.Amica luto sus. Hora. The sow loueth the myre.Recenti luto spargere iumenta. Iuuenal. To sprinckle freshe durt or clay vpon.Lutum paleatum, Vide Paleatus in PALEA.Vdum & molle lutum. Pers. Imbre lutóque aspersus. Hor. All wette with raine and be. raied with durt.Pocula composuit de facili luto. Tibul. He made cups of plyant and soft claie.Concinnare lutum.Plaut.Demersus in luto. Cic Duerwhelmed in durt.Fictus ex argilla & luto homulus. Cic Voluntatus in luto.Cic.That hath wallowed in the durt.In medio luto esse.Plaut.To sticke fast in the middes of the myre.In eodem luto hæsitare, Vide HAEREO. Lutum per translationem vocat lenonem.Plaut.A filthye and baudie slaue.Lutum & sordes.Cic.A dile and filthy person.Lúteus prima corrcpta.That is made of clay lome or morter. vt Luteus paries. A mudde wall.Vasa lutea.Cic.Earthen vessell.Luteus homo.Plaut.A vyle rascall of no estimation.Lutea meretrix. Plau. A fllthy and vile harlot.Opus luteum.Ouid.A worke made of clay or earth.Luteus panis.Plaut.Yealow bread with saffron,