[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: lume (data provider: donatus-sup), lumi (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Lúm-e, s. m. dim. Lúm-ettíno, Lúm-étto, Lúm-icíno,
1. light, splendour; 2. the object which gives or emits light; 3. star, lantern, lighted candle; 4. pl.the eyes, stars; 5. the visual faculty, eye-sight.Togliere il — ad uno, to deprive one of life;6. (fig.) knowledge, learning; 7. notice, hint.— di bontà, an example of goodness; 8. any celebrated great action; 9. a man of great merit; 10. (pict. t.) reflected light. Aver —,to have knowledge of. Dare, fare —, to illuminate. Tener il —, to serve as a candlestick, &c. Veder —, to understand. Non veder —,to lose a right judgment of things through passion, &c. Dar ne'lumi, to fall into a great passion. Pagare il — e i dadi, to pay the piper. Tenere il —, to be concerned in an affair, to have a finger in the pie.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
lume: any kind of light or shining. Also the eye or eyesight of a man. Also the space of a day. Vsed also for Alume.