Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Libáre, v. a.
1. to taste very slightly any liquor and then pour it upon the altar or upon the ground, to perform a libation; 2. to taste, sip, to have a smack of, to touch with the extremity of the lips; 3. to take a very small quantity of any thing; v. n. to taste of, smack of.
Liberá-re, v. a.
1. to liberate, set free, deliver, release, save; 2. to free from some grievance, expense, &c.; 3. to give up, deliver over, make over; v. r. to deliver one's self, set one's self free, to deliver one's self from a danger; s. m.Liberá-tóre , f. Liberá-tríce; adj. Liberá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
libare: to taste or assay with the tip of ones lips or tongue. Also to sacrifice.
liberare: to deliuer, to free, to enfranchise, to quit, to release, to rid out from, to disoblige.