[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: lega (data provider: donatus-sup), legasi (data provider: donatus), lege (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Léga, s. f. pl. ghe,
1. league, alliance, confederacy.— doganale, customs' union, zollverein. Essere a una —, to be in concord, to agree together. Far —, to assemble together, unite, to be upon good terms together. Tirar a —,to confederate, join together; 2. district of a country; 3. quality, goodness (of metals).Moneta di buona —, good money. Moneta di bassa —, inferior coin; 4. condition, birth.Uomo di bassa —, a man of low or mean birth;5. soldier, soldiering; 6. composition of copper aud silver; 7. a league, itinerary measure;8. alloy.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
lega: the aloy, worth or qualitie of gold or siluer that is coined. Also the solder to solder or vnite mettals. Also any kinde of binding together. Also a league, a combination or vnion. Also a french league, that is, two english miles by land, and three by sea. Also a kind of measure of corne so called in Italy.