Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Lavá-re, v. a.
1. to wash, to clean with water, to water. — la testa ad uno, to rebuke, reprimand, to speak ill of one, to slander; 2. to retouch, or repolish a composition. — la testa all'asino, to lose one's pains. Una mano lava l'altra, e tutte le due lavano il viso, help me, help thee. — il suo bene, to squander away one's property; v. r. 1. to wash one's self; 2. to justify one's self. Me ne lavo le mani, I wash my hands of it. — le gomene, to scrub the cables; s. m. Lavá-tóre, f. Lavá-tríce; adj.-nte.