Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Intendiménto, s. m.
1. understanding, intellect;2. understanding, judgment, mind, head, brains;3. design, mind, intention, purpose, resolution, project, enterprise. Dar effetto al suo —, to effect or put in execution one's design. Dare —, to give hopes, to make one believe; 4. will, pleasure. Recare al suo —, to draw one to one's side, to bring him over; 5. intention; 6. meaning, signification, sense; 7. plot, combination, conspiracy. Essere d'— insieme, to understand one another, to have secret intelligence, to play booty.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
intendimento: as Intelletto. Also a purpose, an intendment or intending. Also intelligence or correspondencie one with another.