Intactus, Adiect. Liu.Vntonched: vncorrupted: vndefiled: not defloured or violated: not hurt.Integri intactíque fugerunt.Liu.They sled safe and sounde without hurt.Intactus infamia. Liuius. Hauing his good name neuer desteined.Intacti religione animi vir.Liu.A man that hath no religion or feare of God: or that hath no remorse or pricke of conscience.Intactu s sibilo peruenerat Hortensius ad senectutÊ. Cæll. ad Cic.Hortensius was neuer hissed at in his plendyng euen to his old age.Carmen intactum græcis. Horat. A kinde of verses that the Greeke ports neuer vsed.Inuencæ intacta ccruice.Virg.Bullockes neuer yoked to the plough.Intactum vexatione corpus.Liu.A body not hurt or troubled. Grex intactus. Virg.Pomum propter asperitatem intactum omnibus animalibus. Plin. A fruit that for the sowenes no beast will eate of or taste of.Virgo intacta manet. Cat. The maide temaineth vndefiled.