Inexhaustus, Adiectiuum. Cic.Vnsatiable: also that wil neuer be consumed or spent.Erat in eo inexhaosta auiditas, legendi nec satiari poterat.Cic.An vnsatiable desire to reade.Inexhausta metaila. Virgil. That will neuer be consumed or wasted.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
ĭn-exhaustus, a, um, adj., unexhausted (poet. and post-Aug.): metalla, Verg. A. 10, 174: urbes,
not plundered
, Sil. 14, 686: pubertas,
not enfeebled
, Tac. G. 20; id. H. 5, 7 (but not in Cic. Fin. 3, 2, 7; v. Madv. ad h. l.).